Monday, August 31, 2009

Personality and economic background

Generally you can notice two types of people with regard to their attitude to money. There are people who are very generous and people who are very stingy or miserly. It is a very interesting phenomenon worth studying. You can find these two categories of people both in the affluent families and poverty ridden families. You can even call it the 'problems of plenty and problems of scanty'.
Some people, who are born and brought up in the poorest conditions, and who have faced and suffered all kinds of adversities in life, becoming very generous personalities later in their life when their fortunes look up. Mostly, they have a feeling that others should not have to face the difficulties they themselves experienced. You can take the examples many well known philanthropists who keep on helping others even though their own desires are not completely fulfulled. They find gratification in helping others and most often they are obsessed with this feeling throughout their life. I need not have to name anybody here because, you find such people everywhere around you doing their yeoman service in their own unique way. Some may come to limelight while others may not. What I am concerned about is their attitude.
You also see persons who are extremely stingy and miserly when they become rich and affluent later in the life. Mostly, it appears they have nourished a sense of insecurity all through their childhood. The result of that insecurity is so intense in them that they feel threatened as if they will be thrown back into that unhappy past; and in order to save themselves from that painful past, they do not want to part with their wealth. Their greed can reach the level of insatiation sometimes. They keep on adding to their wealth by all possible means. But this nouveau riche exhibit the qualities where their childhood haunts them. You can observe them being either lonely, wily, hypocratic, suspicious or insecure deep in the core of their personality.
The same phenomenon can be observed in the people born with the silver spoon in their mouth.. You have generous, empathetic and kind souls who give away everything they have, again for the sense of that gratification. You might have heard stories of many such people who later become paupers out of their own virtues. You can see equally stingy people who would not part with even one penny even though they can afford the moon. They are utterly miserly. George Orwell has written a beautiful essay on one such miserly man he came across. It is an extreme case of psychological perversity. But these people do not enjoy the life themselves nor allow others.
My question is, what do you attribute such personalities to? Is it a psychological phenomenon or genetic phenomenon?


Blogger Unknown said...

I feel 'personality' of an individual has contributions both from his genetic and psycological factors. (Here, psycological factors include, the way he is brought up, his experiences, his perceptions, people he meet in his course of life etc etc). But the latter has huge influence in building a personality. ( We can remember the story in Panchatantra -of two parrots, one brought up in an ashram and the other with a rude-man).

Apart from these types, I have seen one more chategory of people. These are the one who have struggled a lot in their life and in later years, they reach better conditions. But the thing is in the obsession to help others, to do good to people who are suffering, they forget their families, their own needs! Is this called generosity?? Should I call such a person as generous?

6:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

though many of the people say that economic background will not matter for once achivement and behaviour.But according to me it matters a lot because many a times when i steps to the higher education i remembers the words of my parents&uncle that "u are a child of a poor parent so,at first u have to join such an education that u will get the job first" it hinder's my development& also the behaviour.though i am mentaly strongh to withstand it,I think many of the people are suffering from the same problem&it is making them more that they feel "the problem what i suffered should not be suffered from others"

12:58 AM  
Blogger Rachi said...

Both "Nature" (heredity/genes/DNA) and "Nurture" (food/socio-economic status/ education background) do contribute in shaping ones personality. I may sound more scientific but its true... There have been numerous debates in the past on this topic and still going on.
Let me get into the actual fact. Its not always born rich are not generous but struggled ones. If one has in mind that our younger generation should not struggle like this, such people become generous.

Recently I happened to hear from someone when i was establishing contacts to raise funds for Pathways trust that "why do you want to take all burden and head ache on you?". I said only one sentence "Because i know how it feels to be there".

And to Sahana's comments "Agar koyi sacche dil se kuch chahta hai aur wo raasta kitni bhi mushkil ho, inn mushkhilon ke bavajood bhi wo apna manzil pahunch sakta hai". I'm saying this out of my own experience, hurdles i had to pass through to reach my destiny. I agree one remains relatively poor(only financially) all the life.... But above all self satisfaction and joy of work and life is important!!!

Last Drop: "Everything in life shold be fairly balanced if not perfect!!!

7:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

May be am going out of topic down here, but when i read sahana and KM comments, i just felt like to put a few words what i think about their comments..
First of all, i agree with sahana's comment. yes, we may say hundreds of motivational statements, but the ultimate truth (at least in this current scenario) money/economic background does matter. Take for example a 12th std student, who is poor and an average student in studies. let us say his dream is to become an engineer. now bcoz of his poor economic background, say he works part time and studies. now when he gets CET results, nobody neither in counseling nor his own people would ask him, how much self satisfied you r about your studies.. every one asks him how much % u got, what rank you got, etc etc. finally his dream to become an engineer may remain as a dream forever. of course, an above average student can perform even in this adverse situation, but for a below average student, or for a normal person, this is not a simple situation to solve... in this situation, along with his efforts, if he would have had some economic support, he would have done little bit better.

But, i do agree that, it's not just reaching the final destiny that can keep us happy, if v really understand, the journey also teaches us so many things.

i feel when v need to face some hard realities in life, if possible try our best to change them, put our heart and soul to reach where v want to b. After all, by chance if v cant make it, then no need to lose heart. bcoz, who knows, the route which v have got may prove us the best than what v ourselves had selected.

3:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting post. I feel it's more to do with our upbringing and an outcome of the clallenges we face in life!
Chetan Pinto here. Want to get in touch. My id is chetanwpinto(at)gmail(dot)com

10:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting post. I feel it's more to do with our upbringing and an outcome of the clallenges we face in life!
Chetan Pinto here. Want to get in touch. My id is chetanwpinto(at)gmail(dot)com

10:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

plz get in touch

10:23 PM  

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