Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Workaholism - What next?

The age of workaholic culture appears to be coming to its end. Man has worked a lot for the last one hundred years. All the time he was under the impression that he would find leisure with the machines taking up most of his burden. But on the contrary he has become busier at each stage of his progress. For all his maladies born out of his race against time, rest and relaxation are alone his solution. Today we have begun to use terms like green, nature, peace of mind, calm and quietness, serenity etc. All these words indicate that enough is enough of the material and mechanical advancement. We have developed head phones that beat out noise. We want to have our houses in a serene atmosphere. We want the food that is grown naturally or organically. Everywhere the buzz word is 'eco-friendly'. It suggests that nothing is as comfortable as the natural way of life. Nature has a rhythm of its own. It has a pace with which all the creatures have to adjust and proceed. Unfortunately we have created a pace that is not in tune with the rhythm of the nature. Workaholism has accelerated this pace resulting in all kinds of syndromes related to stress. Life cannot be healthy and peaceful unless the 'bio-rhythm' synchronises with the rhythm of the nature or what I would like call the 'eco-rhythm'.
You can observe that the pace of life has become faster over the last few years, especially after the second world war. It is manifested in our music, food habits, sports, thinking, listening, travelling, working - literally in every walk of life. When 'eco-rhythm' and 'bio-rhythm' do not keep pace with each other or in other words do not synchronise well, it results in stress. Workaholism is one of the worst kind of obsessions for which rest or relaxation is the only solution. It is like a rocket that has travelled too fast and escaped from the gravity of the earth. If at all we want to come back to earth once again, we need to slow down our speed and the process involves lot of problems too. So the clarion call, "Back to Nature", by Wordsworth way back in 1798, is more meaningful to us today.


Blogger Unknown said...

This article motivated me to add my ideas to it. I would like to support the concept "Back to nature" through my views. oflate, unknowingly the human mentality is directing towards the old fashions, but slightly in a altered manner. I can quote some examples for that. Nowadays the people are realising the value of Yoga and are attracting more towards it,hand made paintings are becoming the fashion. Similarly in many aspects life is moving near to the past. It is silently signifying that, history is repeating like a cycle.If it is real, I wish to hope for the emerging of brilliant generation like our ancestors.
thank you.

12:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wish to add my points to this article by saying that, the workaholic culture largely developed out of man's eagerness to satisfy his desires within a short period. During this course of action he did not consider the consequences that adversely affect on his natural way of living. That is why he is not in tune with the rhythm of nature.
This workaholic culture may be emerged due to the human tendency of competing and attaining his desires in diplomatic way, the situation was sustained when all rushed to do that. The concept "back to nature" will be realised when everyone is ready to slow down the material and mechanical advancement.

1:52 AM  

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