Thursday, November 24, 2005

Memory gates

It is an accepted fact that human brain functions like a super computer. Traditionally we suggest to the children that they should not have any distractions while they are studying. It is because of the assumption that distractions hinder the process of registration and memorising. But, I have a feeling that interest of an individual plays a dominant role in the process of memory. I have observed some extraordinarily intelligent students studying while playing their favourite music alongside.

I have a theory to propound. It is like this. If you are not interested in learning something and still forced to learn it- then the brain activates some gates that close the process however hard you try to push them through. But on the other hand if you are interested in something the gates open up by themselves thus facilitating the process. Hard to understand and less-loved subjects can be pushed through these gates by introducing loved things. For example, physics is a very tough subject for some students. If this student is a lover of music and he plays music when he studies physics, there are chances that physics gets through the process. The reason, mind opens up its gates to listen to the music and the subject- physics also gets through alongside.

These gates are so sensitive, that they do not need any cautious attempt on the part of the individual either to open them or close them. Try these tricks on your children who face difficulty in learning.


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