Thursday, September 21, 2006

Other side of the Garden City - Bangalore

I was in Bangalore a fortnight back. I had been to Whitefield area which I frequently visit for training and other purposes. Of late the scene in Whitefield is changing very fast. Once - not long ago- just five years back, it was full of greenery and pristine beauty with orchards of greenery all around. But today everything has disappeared giving way to the concrete structures thanks to the IT - BT boom. What I was worried about was with the expansion of the so called 'Garden City' transforming into a 'Concrete City'.
Is it right on the part of the Government to put all its eggs in one basket? No doubt, the city has all the conducive atmosphere to the enterpreneurs. But at what cost? Look at the perennial trafic jams, pollution of all kinds, rising criminal activities, sabotage, civic problems so on and so forth. No one is seriously bothered about this. The apartments have taken the place of plants and trees. Let us think of some improbables like the IT bubble burst, natural calamities like earth quake taking place or war or something of this kind. What could be the loss in terms of human lives or property? Just one heavy rain shower sends the city into chaos. Can we imagine about the calamities?
We shall consider about other problems. Instead of investing huge sums of public money in one city, why can't the Government think of developing smaller cities in other parts of the state? Uniform growth helps the healthier atmosphere and besides, stops the unnecessary exodus of the people thronging to Bangalore in search of jobs. Bangalore has virtually become the future destiny for all the job aspirants across the country. And on the other hand it is in the hit list of terrorist attacks too.

The city cannot just take that pressure any more. It is already too late to stop that. Let the planners, administrators and the netas think of the alternatives rather than hanging on to the over burdened and overloaded Garnden city.